Sunday 27 January 2013

Kids sleepover

Recently, we dropped our kids up to their Nanna and Pa's house on the Sunshine Coast.  They were staying there for 4 whole nights....  

We had not had them away for this long before, and I was a little knotted up inside about it, even though they drive me a little crazy, and we dont really get a break from them often.  And it made me think, wow, God must feel the same way about us, longing to have us home with Him, where there will be no suffering, no pain or tears or sadness...

We decided to paint our daughters room while they were away.  It took much preparation and time and work.  It was a mess!  lots of bogging up, washing down and sanding.  I bought blinds and curtains to finish it off, and it looks lovely! All ready to suprise her when she got home.  I was thinking of her and how lovely it will be for her to live in her 'new' room, and make it her own.  I couldnt wait for her to see it!

I wonder if God feels the same way about us, He is preparing a place for us right now, thinking each detail through for each one of us, knowing what we need, what is special for each one of us.  He is doing it with Love, and being the master designer He is, it will be amazing.  
He knows when the right time will be to take us Home to be with Him, and I bet He cant wait to see the looks on our faces! xx

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